How Can CBD Help Seniors?

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CBD oil and other CBD-infused products may seem like the latest trendy, but it isn’t just for modern and forward-thinking young adults. CBD can have benefits for adults of all ages and for a wide range of concerns or conditions. With benefits for both physical and psychological health, let’s look at some of the ways CBD products can help alleviate health concerns of older adults as they age.

What concerns can CBD help seniors with?

CBD oil is considered an effective natural form of pain relief. This can help seniors manage pain that may become a more common occurrence as they age, such as joint and muscle pain. It can also be an effective anti-inflammatory, which helps to reduce or relieve stiffness in the joints. In both of these ways, CBD products can be beneficial for seniors suffering from arthritis, helping them to manage their symptoms and improve mobility. And the anti-inflammatory properties can also help seniors who have skin conditions like psoriasis.

CBD potentially has brain-protecting properties, too, perhaps due to its anti-inflammatory qualities. This can have positive effects for people with neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia, and can even help to reduce the risk of developing this kind of condition.

In terms of mental health, CBD is commonly used to reduce anxiety. This can support the mental health of seniors, helping to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. The relaxing and anti-anxiety effects could also help to improve quality of sleep and manage insomnia, helping seniors in a number of ways.

Different types of CBD products for seniors

What are the best CBD products for seniors? CBD oil is the most commonly used, fast-absorbing and easily administered directly by mouth or added to food or drink. For joint pain and arthritis, and skin complaints like psoriasis, topical CBD products are a good option, as well as CBD-infused toiletries such as our bath bombs and body bars. Or for seniors with a sweet tooth, CBD gummies are a nice option.

Is CBD safe for seniors?

While CBD comes from the cannabis plant, it only contains trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive ingredient. This means it does not produce a ‘high’, so has much fewer potential side effects compared to smoking or consuming marijuana. When using CBD products for the first time, start slowly and observe your condition to monitor whether you have any adverse effects. Make sure to follow the dosage advice on the product and start with a lower dose if in doubt.

If you or a senior loved one could benefit from CBD oil and other CBD products, then take a look at the range of high-quality, full-spectrum products available on our online store.